Harvey Weinstein faces life in prison


    What will now be considered one of the worst scandals in the film industry continues to spill ink.

    It is once again to the "sexual predator" Harvey Weinstein that is referred to here. Complaints against him continue to fall, from actresses who say they have been subjected to derogatory remarks, touching or harassment, to the filing of complaints for the most serious cases of rape. It is this type of case that we are dealing with here since a third woman has decided to file a complaint, as announced by the Manhattan prosecutor on Monday, July 2, against the former Hollywood producer, currently released with an electronic bracelet against a bail of one million dollars.

    Harvey Weinstein faces life in prison after being declared "Predatory Sexual Assault".We are therefore talking here about serious assaults by a sexual predator, which is one of the most reprehensible charges in the New York Penal Code, which concerns rape, premeditated sex crimes, incest, pedophilia, etc. If this verdict has not yet been confirmed (the producer must go to court next September), he nevertheless faces ten additional years in prison with this third complaint filed against him. In other words, he is likely to have plenty of time to reflect on his actions behind bars. Not to mention that a film could be released on the subject while the trial is not even over.

    Let us recall in passing that the Weinstein case has triggered a whole wave of movements such as the hashtags #MeToo and #balancetonporc, which have pushed some women to come out of the silence and denounce the sexual assaults they may have been victims of by other men, known or not. Commendable initiatives on sordid facts which, it is certain, should no longer be ignored.

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