Blade of the Immortal: new character visuals for the movie Live!


    Today, we talk about the adaptation of Blade of the Immortal (Mugen no Junin) in a live movie.While we recently discovered the visuals of the characters of Manji (played by Takuya Kimura) and Makie Otonotachibana (played by Erika Toda). A few days ago, it was the trailer of the live movie!




    We discover the visuals of four new characters: Kagehisa Anotsu, Rin Asano, Shira and Makie Otonotachibana. The release on Japanese big screens is scheduled for April 29th!




    Manji was a renowned samurai but, caught in a trap, he sees his little sister die before his eyes. While he loses all will to live, an old woman offers him at this moment a power of immortality. Able to heal from any wound, Manji embarks on a solitary revenge. His path will cross that of Rin, a young woman whose family was killed by bloodthirsty mercenaries. Finding the image of his sister in the innocent Rin, Manji puts himself at his service and will help him track down the murderers of his family.


    Main cast of Blade of the Immortal



    Sota Fukushi aka Kagehisa Anotsu

    (Omukae Death)

    Hana Sugisaki aka Rin Asano

    (Toto Nee-chan)

    Hayato Ichihara aka Shira

    (Onna Joshu Naotora)

    Erika Toda aka Makie Otonotachibana

    (Death Note: Light Up The New World)


    Reminder of the rest of the cast

    Takuya Kimura aka Manji
    Ebizo Ichikawa aka Eiku Shizuma
    Tsutomu Yamazaki aka Kensui Ibane
    Min Tanaka aka Kagimura Habaki Kazuki Kitamura aka Sabato Kuroi
    Kuriyama aka Hyakurin
    Shinnosuke Mitsushima aka Taito Magatsu



    We can't wait to discover the live movie of Blade of the Immortal, which will be released on April 29, 2017 in Japanese theaters! In the meantime, we invite you to watch the anime dating from 2008, or to read the manga published by casterman! We share the trailer again to make you wait!


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