Solidays 2017 – An intense and emotional Saturday


    Saturday promised to be busy, but it was more than that: intense and rich in emotion, this day at Solidays was under the sign of beautiful meetings for Justfocus! 

    Saturday had some very nice surprises in store for us. A message received the day before had announced an incredible interview program: the opportunity to meet Archive, In The Can and Mai Lan. So many artists with totally different styles and careers. A rich program!

    So it was as soon as the doors of the festival opened that we found the Archive group. More than 20 years of music, pioneer in their style, this mythical band of trip hop and progressive rock offered us a little of their time. A highlight for us, a chance of which we took full measure by exchanging with the 4 members present for the interview… To be found soon on Justfocus!

    Archive ITW

    The concert day begins with the musicians of the metro on the César Circus stage. In The Can gives the La. but with a different line-up from the day before: Neil and Julian Chablaoui are accompanied by Erwan on drums. Julian abandoned the cajòn to grab a bass. The sound is more rock and amplified, but still fishy. The trio managed to electrify the bravest festival-goers, who came to shelter from the sun after a long electronic night.

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    We give them time to leave the stage before meeting them for a moment of complicity and a friendly interview. Laughter, anecdotes, it is in a relaxed atmosphere that In The Can confides in us. Coming soon to Justfocus!

    Let's go to the Paris stage now, where La Caravane Passe is organizing a mini revolution with a supercharged audience. Between burlesque lyrics and absurd stage play, Toma Feterman positions himself as an outstanding speaker who has no equal to harangue the crowd. We laugh heartily, jump and sing at the top of our lungs!

    Well placed, we then attend the Color Party, one of the highlights of Solidays. As the colored powders fly away, a gust of wind transforms it into a sandstorm, also spraying the curious who remained on the margins. Accompanied by music, festival-goers have a great time.

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    We then have an appointment with Mai Lan who will give us a few minutes to answer our questions. Smiling and enigmatic, she lets us glimpse her world, giving us a crazy desire to see her on stage. You will soon be able to discover this interview on Justfocus!

    We run to Cocoon that we haven't seen for a while. Between flagship titles and new songs, it is a pleasure to find their light and joyful music.

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    It is then the beginning of the cornelian choices. But here we are embarked by a human tide towards the Bagatelle where we witness the rise on stage of the L.E.J. Staging, supercharged atmosphere. Everyone recognizes the covers and takes in heart the songs proposed by the trio.

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    You can't decide between House of Pain and Archive. It will be necessary to cut in two to attend a little of the two concerts. A crazy urge to jump on Jump Around, but an irresistible need to yell at Fuck U from Archive. We almost managed to hear both. Anyway, they were the two must-have groups of the day.

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    Back under the César Circus, we find Mai Lan. And we are not disappointed! The concert quickly plunges us into a carefully crafted universe. Between perched voice and rhythmic flow, both sung and spoken, the French artist evolves between rap, pop, and electro with a lot of style and sensuality!

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    We then have to reluctantly leave the festival, missing The Bloody Beetroots, but loaded with great memories and lyrics to transcribe you!

    A Saturday at the top for this second day of Solidays. In other words, the bar is high. But Sunday's program does not look disappointing and many other surprises await us the next day!

    Find the Friday postponement at Solidays 2017

    The rest of the festival – A Sunday at Solidays

    Photos : Antony GOMES and Anouck ZANA

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