Pokémon Go: Metamorph finally arrives on our smartphones!


    After a phenomenal success throughout the summer of 2016, the already cult Pokémon Go was on the decline since September. To stem the phenomenon of mass desertion of its application, Niantic has decided to take several drastic measures in order to stay in the game. The last one dates from today, since we can now come across the long-awaited Metamorph, hitherto untraceable in the game. 

    If Pokémon Go has exceeded all expectations in terms of success, the fall has been all the harder for the company Niantic. Indeed, after a few weeks of intensive play, a lot of players had finally tired of it. The cause?A glaring lack of renewal in terms of gameplay. It is therefore in reaction to the phenomenon of exodus of players, that Pokémon Go has recently started to offer new events on a more regular basis. Thus, players were able to enjoy a double ration of candy on Halloween, followed by daily and weekly challenges inserted into the game. In this week marked by Thanksgiving, the game offers us two new bonuses very nice:

    • First of all the experience points (XP) as well as stardust are duplicated. This is the time for inveterate players to evolve their pokémon to level up. 
    • But also and above all: this event marks the arrival of Metamorph, one of the most anticipated Pokémon by collectors (along with legendary Pokémon). A pleasant surprise that already seems to excite players around the world. 


    But then, how to catch this little rascal of Metamorph ? The idea is as follows: catch an average Pokémon (Roucool, Ratatta, etc…). If you're lucky, then you should witness the Pokémon's metamorphosis until you discover Metamorph. It would seem that catching this little pink being is simply due to luck. However, this should not discourage inveterate players, quite the contrary! 

    So let's take advantage of this event while waiting for the next ones. Subsequent events that should not take long to make us discover the legendary pokémon as well as the second generation, which we already know is present in the Source Code of the game. So we just have to be patient. Until then: to your mobile phones!

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