One Piece World Seeker and One Piece Grand Cuise: new character and date!


    Bandai Namco gives news of these two opuses One Piece, One Piece World Seeker and One Piece Grand Cruise. The first expands its cast with the presence of Germa 66 and the Vinsmoke family, the second finally announces a date, May 22, 2018.

    The open world One Piece World Seeker make room for Germa 66 and the Vinsmoke family on Jail Island. Thus, Ichiji, Niji and Yonji, Sanji's brothers will be there. Ichiji, the greatest brother, is a fighter who controls fire better than anyone. Niji, the youngest, is formidable with his quick attacks and his body, a real catalyst for electricity. Yonji, the youngest, makes the wind his best ally to sweep away his opponents. The three brothers might just stand in Luffy's way!

    On the side of One Piece Grand Cruise, the date has finally been announced. Good news to live this very first VR experience in the One Piece universe! Indeed, it is at the end of May and more precisely on May 22, 2018 that players will be able to fight on the PSVR.

    One Piece World Seeker Grand Cruise

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