Kerredine Soltani brings hope with Our Children's Dreams


Kerredine Soltani is back with the video of Nos Rêves d'enfants, a track recorded in her hometown of Argenteuil. With this title, Kerredine intends to give courage to young people from disadvantaged neighborhoods, so that they dare, as he did, to go after their dreams. Kerredine Soltani is outraged by the lack of opportunities offered to young people from disadvantaged neighbourhoods. With this title, he leads by example. The video of Nos Rêves d'enfant was shot at the Joliot-Curie estate, in the city of Argenteuil. "In my music video I tell the story of Melinda, 15 years old, a big fan of Beethoven. When asked if she wants to become a conductor, she says "that's not for us". His answer is unfortunately far too common here. Why? Because young people do not have an example in the family setting that resembles their dream. For them, it's impossible. They want to keep their feet on the ground, but I tell them that the earth is big and you can keep your feet on this same earth but move further," Kerredine explained by way of preamble. Kerredine Soltani - Our childhood dreams (Official Clip) With this title, the artist, who is an author, composer, musician, and singer, looks back on his career, and would like to prove to young people that they have a chance to be able in life to go after their dreams. Kerredine now writes for most French artists, such as Elisa Tovati, Tal, Kendji Girac, Zaz, Amel Bent, Lââm, Valentin Marceau, Lorie or the Italian star Gianna Nannini. He has become today one of the most popular authors of French song. Kerredine Soltani leads by example with her music video for Our Childhood Dreams. The title, between song, and urban pop, carries with its rhythm and heady melody. Here is the video to discover: The artist is to follow on Instagram

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