Matchmaker Festival: in Ireland, a festival brings together thousands of singles


    Singles were at the rendezvous all September in Lisdoonvarna (Ireland) for the Matchmaker Festival. Balls, concerts, dance parties… More than 80,000 singles in search of a soul mate gathered in this 2018 edition.

    Tens of thousands of singles

    For this small town of 800 inhabitants, it is a major event: the Matchmaker Festival, the largest European festival dedicated to singles, takes place every year during the month of September in Lisdoonvarna, Ireland. For a month, the city's bars go out of their way and organize music concerts, balls and other dance parties. The opportunity for some 80,000 singles from all over the world to meet around a country dance, and maybe find a soul mate!

    A festival that is exported in France

    But the notoriety of the festival goes beyond borders. Originally from Seoul, fashion designer Kim Bernardin has her own boutique in Saint-Germain-des-Prés, in the 6th arrondissement of Paris. By discovering the festival through a friend, the designer wants to design a "Lisdoonvarna dress". The latter is inspired by the romanticism and style of the women present at the Matchmaking Festival. The designer, who frequently uses Irish models to showcase her work, told the Clare Herald :

    I am in the early stages of designing the dress, which will capture the magic of Lisdoonvarna.My dress will reflect freedom of movement, inspired by the fantasy, nature and flowers of the Burren, and incorporate the element of the fairy tale of Lisdoonvarna.

    The dress will be presented at a mini-event Lisdoonvarna, to be held in Paris in 2019. With the aim of giving singles from France and beyond a glimpse of the festival and Irish culture. The event will feature outdoor country and Western dances on the banks of the Seine.

    So if you find the Frenchman or woman of your dreams, do not hesitate to bring him to Lisdoon!

    A look back at the 2018 edition of the Matchmaker Festival:

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