MachiaVillain is now available on PC, Mac and Linux!


    Tired of playing heroes? MachiaVillain opens its doors to you now to spread terror around you, but with class please!

    Directed by French independent studio Wild Factor and published by Good Shepherd Entertainment, MachiaVillain is a horror strategy and management game in which you will play as a manager in charge of a mansion. You will be in charge of raising evil creatures in the greatest secrecy and finding naïve people who can stay in your home. Then like a horror movie you will execute them one by one to satisfy your protégés.

    Each race of monster has its specificities, which you will have to satisfy as best you can, so that they obey you. Outsmart attacks from superheroes and monster hunters who want to eliminate them. Make weapons or furniture with the rest of your victims, and above all kill!

    MachiaVillain offers a lot of crazy features to make your genius speak badly!

    Available since May 16, MachiaVillain is on PC, Mac and Linux for €19.99, with 20% off until May 23.


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