Justice League: DC's superheroic reunion on DVD/Blu-Ray on March 21


    Notice to fans of Batman, Wonder Woman and Superman: the fine team of the Justice League is finally out, 5 months after its distribution in theaters for the least tumultuous. The opportunity to give the film a second chance? 

    It should have been Warner' s Avengers , the work responsible for bringing together the pillars of the DC universe and confronting them with their main rivals: those of Marvel. Patatras, due to a production torn between incompatible authors' visions and the commercial desires of a desperate firm, the film will quickly look like a Frankenstein monster. A formal, artistic and above all human duality since it is two men with radically different visions who carried the project: Zack Snyder and Joss Whedon. On the one hand, the geek director already author of Man of Steel and Batman v Superman, which according to fans, have given superhero films with a singular tone, between gravity and depth. On the other, a director known for helping Marvel (a shame) by taking charge of Avengers and Avengers Age of Ultron. In other words, day and night in this production that will have vainly tried to match the styles of these two authors for a result far below what we were entitled to expect. But this is not a time for lamentations or regrets. Warner already has its attention riveted on Aquaman, which will have, at the end of 2018, 2 objectives: to prove that the success of Wonder Woman was not just a surprise but above all to install confidence within the fragile (not to say shaky) edifice of the DCEU. It is therefore with a certain nostalgia that we rediscover Justice League. 

    Justice League Justice League: DC's superheroic reunion on DVD/Blu-Ray on March 21

    Not so heroic bonuses…

    Given its production constantly punctuated by problems, one would have thought that the bonuses would have reflected this agitation, that they could have shown the incident represented by Henry Cavill's digitally removed mustache for the film, budget overruns, reshoots. Unfortunately, anxious to preserve the image that is his, the Warner firm preferred to fall into the pitfall of the studio advocating living together and camaraderie to serve us nearly 1h15 of featurettes & making-off returning to the incredible technical challenge that was the shooting as well as the joy of the actors, Too happy to bring to life comic book characters all decades old. On the disappointment side, we can note with bitterness the lack of cut scenes, 2 in number, as the finished product, illegitimate offspring of Joss Whedon and Zack Snyder, seems to ignore the many scenes that were shot by the latter. Regarding the editing of the film, nothing to complain about visually and sonically. Note that once again, unlike Universal, Warner has inserted VF in high definition (Dolby Atmos and DTS-HS Master Audio). Some festivities that will not make us forget the cruel lack of material on a film that we would have liked to know better to explain such a creative failure. 

    Thus, Justice League is of this caliber of film having by force of circumstances transformed into an object whose production will have exceeded the finished product. A specificity that many films would like to avoid but which paradoxically sheds light on the harsh reality of what the conception of a film entails, namely teamwork. A bit like his subject in short. 

    Trailer: Justice League


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