Gone Baby Gone: An actor from The Originals has the title role!


    A few weeks ago, we learned that Gone Baby Gone already adapted to the cinema in 2007 by Ben Affleck, would perhaps be adapted into a series! Indeed, the Fox channel recently ordered a pilot of the eponymous novel by Dennis Lehanne. And in the male lead: Joseph Morgan, star of The Originals. 

    jm Gone Baby Gone: An actor from The Originals has the title role!


    No time to rest!

    It's already been 7 years since the British actor, Joseph Morgan, divides his time between the sets of the series The Originals and The Vampire Diaries. While the first offered us a breathtaking finale, the second is coming to an end with a 5th and final season. Yet no rest for our favorite vampire who is already putting on his private detective costume for the Fox pilot. 

    He will play the role of Patrick Kenzie, a private detective and will form a team full of intelligence and chemistry with Angela Gennaro. Team that will aim to right the wrongs that the law can not right in the Dorchester neighborhood, in the middle of the working class of Boston. 

    Note that the series does not yet have an official title. The pilot will be directed by Robert Levine, co-creator of Black Sails and will not be validated by Fox until May. A little patience then! 

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