Code Black season 2: Jay Harrington joins the medical series


    We are recruiting at CBS! The second season of Code Black, a medical series broadcast since 2015, will welcome American actor Jay Harrington for a role announced as decisive!Jay-Harrington-as-Ted-Crisp

    Jay Harrington is one of those we know without ever knowing their name. In the cast of series like Betters of Ted, Private Practice (where he already played a doctor), Summerland or Hot in Cleveland, he is now announced to the cast of the medical series Code Black, broadcast on CBS.

    Code Black plunges us into the heart of Angels Memorial Hospital, whose emergency rooms are the most overcrowded in the country. A "code black" occurs when there are more patients than resources, so you have to pray for a miracle or perform one. Launched in 2015, with the cast Marcia Gay Harden (How To Get Away With Murder), the series had a first season of 18 episodes very mixed, then underwent a reboot in season 2, with the arrival of Rob Lowe (Brothers and Sisters) and the departure of Bonnie Somerville (Kitchen Confidential).

    Jay Harrington will play the brilliant Dr. Leo Fields, a respected neurosurgeon from Los Angeles, who will have to offer his skills to one of the characters of the series.

    His appearance is scheduled during the second part of the second season in 2017. In the meantime, Code Black airs every Wednesday night on CBS.

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