Ultimate Diorama Masterline: EVA 01 ready for launch!


    Prime 1 Studio. This name resonates in the ears of figurine collectors, as both the guarantee of having the mirettes that sparkle, but also that the wallet will never be provided enough to afford to buy one of their pieces. And because they are big sadists, they decided to take an interest in models very little adapted in statuettes: the Evangelion.

    Prime 1 Studio thus starts a new range entitled Ultimate Diorama Masterline, which unlike the other ranges focused on museum poses, opt for the dynamism and decorations of diorama. So we have the EVA 01, "barely" 75 cm high, running through a district of Tokyo 3 that has seen better days, which recalls the scene of the interception of the angel Sahaqiel. It's efficient, devilishly dynamic, and reminds us of a whole bunch of passages from the series, although the design of the EVA is that of the Rebuild of Evangelion series. The ruined buildings or the impact on the ground due to the weight of the EVA underline the violence of the scene.

    Three heads are proposed, one mouth closed, the other 2 mouth open but with eyes more or less squinted. At the level of the arms also, it will be possible to vary the pleasures, by adopting either a hand with a sonic knife, or by carrying an automatic rifle. So whether you are running, pigeon shooting or throwing knives, there will be something for everyone. 


    Of course, the realization is to die for, and this despite the fact that it is not the usual repertoire of Prime 1 Studio. The sculpt of the EVA is excellent. Combined with a glossy paint, the musculature of Unit 01 stands out perfectly to illustrate the power that emanates from it. The damage suffered by Tokyo 3 is not to be outdone, between impacts, explosion residues, and even some vehicles in a pitiful state are there to show that it is better not to be in the area. 

    Finally, note that this polystone room will be equipped with LEDs, probably at eye level. Only small downside, at least in my opinion, is the absence of the umbilical cord of charging the EVA that could have been removable. 

    In conclusion, for a first EVA, Prime 1 Studio signs there a little wonder that should make all fans of the franchise salivate. Unfortunately, the prices of the manufacturers being what they are, it will cost no less than 135 000 Yen or a little more than 1100 €. Release scheduled for 2018. You have time to contact your banker.

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