Les fâcheux, by Molière: truculent!


    "Les fâcheux", one of Molière's very first plays, which is not necessarily the best known of our favorite author, but certainly one of the funniest.

    Eraste, our hero of the day, is in love with Orphise and wishes to propose to her. Except that this enterprise will be noticeably upset by a whole gallery of characters, these "annoying" or more vulgarly, these annoyers. Thus, they will not cease to poison Eraste with their worries, their worries, their absurd stories. 

    The unfortunate

    A truculent ballet

    This ballet (because originally, the play is a comedy-ballet, of which Lully participated in the composition) is most pleasant for the spectator. He waits for each entry with delight, to discover what will be the next unfortunate.

    The staging is dynamic: a little Feydeau, a pinch of Monthy Python and we understand the recipe for success: the room was full.

    Jérémie Milsztein, director of this project, perfectly reproduces this ballet thanks to this clever gallery of characters.


    Dynamic actors

    The actors are not left out: Emmanuel Rehbinder, in the title role of Eraste, is formidable and we witness with delight his growing exasperation. The opening scene, in which Eraste complains to his valet, is particularly enjoyable. Orphise pushes the song in duet with his stage lover. Benjamin Witt, whom we were able to see alongside Agnès Jaoui in "Les uns sur les autres", brilliantly interprets all these unfortunate ones. Finally, Eraste's valet, played by Jérémie Milsztein himself, brings a lunar, poetic and clownish side to this farce.

    Attention: there are two versions of the "unfortunate" in Avignon: one at the Théâtre des Lucioles (not seen) and one at the Théâtre de la condition des soies, which is the one we are talking about today. The one with the task! (See poster).

    To see at the theater of the conditions of silks, every day at 16:15, until the end of July. Reservations strongly recommended!

    ©Image search result for "les facheux avignon"

    And if you like Molière: go see Monsieur Molière's novel, at the Petit Louvre theater, at 2:40 pm.

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