Review "Mauve Bergamote" published by Delcourt: The life of an herbalist


Bienvenue à l'herboristerie , the first volume by Mauve Bergamote, was published on April 21 by Delcourt. It was written by Flora Grimaldi, drawn by Cécile and colored by Hugo Poupelin.

Mauve Bergamot, a young herbalist

Mauve's parents, herbalists, left for a long journey. In their absence, Crookneck, a pumpkin-headed man, watches over Mauve in their house in the heart of the forest. They both run the herbalism, take care of the picking of the plants, their preparation, the orders and the shop. At the end of the book, the reader can discover some of their valuable knowledge. One day, on her way home from picking, Mauve discovers girls from the city in her garden.

A declaration of love to nature

This first volume of Mauve Bergamot invites the reader to discover the treasures of nature. Beyond the beauty of the landscapes in which the characters evolve, Flora Grimaldi emphasizes the diversity of plants and their properties, whether medicinal or gustatory. Animals are not left out and are given a relatively substantial place in the book. The magic of the woods even ends up operating and letting the wonderful make its way into the narrative.

Mauve Bergamot's apprenticeship

The young Mauve Bergamot has a great knowledge of plants, but still has a lot to learn, to the delight of young and old readers. The arrival of the young girls of the city will for Mauve be the perfect opportunity to learn to open up to others, to be tolerant and patient in the face of the intrusion of the unknown in her daily life. The learning of Mauve is very smooth, thus maintaining the coherence of the narrative and the attention of the more demanding readers. Through its first volume, Mauve Bergamote tackles with finesse exciting subjects and promises beautiful days to the next adventures of Mauve and Crookneck.

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