Lewis Evans "This album is a story of return, of a comeback"


Lewis Evans releases a new album L'Ascension. A new album makes new methods of writing, an incredible album. We offer you today an interview with this Anglo-Norman on the occasion of the release of the said album. You were born in Liverpool but you have a rather special background? It's been a long road, I was born in Liverpool. Now I live in Granville. Before, I mainly divided my time between Paris and Normandy. My parents came to France. I think it is this dual culture that is important. Normandy is musically very turned towards England. Many musicians, groups are very focused on Anglo-Saxon music in Normandy. I think it comes from the time when people went to Jersey to buy vinyl. Many bands live this influence. Since I'm from Liverpool, people think I'm very inspired by the Liverpool scene. In fact, I feel closer to the Manchester scene, like Cast for example. It's a sincere attitude I'm looking for. We have the impression when we listen to the album that there is a great French pop side. Is that what you wanted to do? Not necessarily, after that, it's pop. From 16 to 20 years old, I listened to Pulp on repeat, Jarvis Cocker was probably my big idol at that time. I am marked by the scene of the 90s, the punk scene especially. I also think that current music is very percussion-oriented. In fact, I don't use it so it gives this counterweight, a little pop side to Rolling stone. I would say that if we find this French side it is because of the accordion I think on some songs like Need for example. I really like France, I already live there, I feel French often. When we compose, I ask for French instruments such as the accordion or the musette. There is a party side, a guinguette side. I try to find something that comes from elsewhere, to make it English pop. This album has a rather special story, Can you tell us about it? It's a comeback story, a comeback, on the EP I put a lot of an autobiographical aspect, it was something heavy biographical speaking. I had quite a few worries at that time. During covid, it was particularly hard. I took a huge turn to become a gardener. I worked in the green spaces of Grandville, I wanted to finish with music. While I was working, there were melodies that came to me, it was something almost divine I would say, maybe spiritual. It's an album I didn't want to make, but in the end, I did it in a very short time, in three weeks. It's as if the music told me "we have to do it". On my EP le rayon vert , it was let's say, a little heavy, biographical dense, there it's more spontaneous, fierce I would say. Something more powerful. I feel like I did like my first album. https://open.spotify.com/artist/3h0VDjXm4P75ur0P0A8sl2 Are you proud of this album? I'm super happy with it. I feel like not thinking about it allowed me to put something else into it. I wanted it to be done with the heart. On the other albums, we spent too much time, for this one, I feel like I did it on instinct. With Frédéric Buchet, we worked in an abbey. It's unbelievable to be able to evolve in such an environment. With him, I direct the songs and let's say that he refines everything. We tried to gather people around us, people from the Granville indie folk scene. It was a great atmosphere, I was alone with my label that supported me. It was a great working atmosphere made of ideas and fun. It's funny because we worked without pressure, telling ourselves that there was nothing afterwards. For a long time you were part of a band, was leaving this group for a solo career a way to find a form of independence. When I played in the Lankskies, all the copyrights were separated into five, it was a very communist atmosphere, (laughs). It was a time when I had a lot of fun. I went solo because I needed soft music, a bit like Pete Doherty. I was young, I looked for quiet music so I got into folk. I think we can say that music is a mirror of my person, I am not fooled in my music, I do not limit myself to a style I would say. My music is me I think. I'm not one to idolize my music. I saw today a return to rock. I love this freedom, it's a reflection of my life, with changes too, like my life. It is a hybrid. The best way to define them is sincerity. These are self-made albums. Not to be vulgar, these are albums that carry their hazelnuts. (Laughs) https://youtu.be/_J1stgSXICo All your lyrics are in English on this album. How could we define Lewis Evans ' lyrics The lyrics on the new album are self-written. I am British, I would say I have a French heart, but a British spirit. In fact, to be clear, I don't like to force myself. For years, I forced myself for certain things. For example, it was necessary to make French songs to get on the radio. I need freshness in the creation, I do not like to rework the projects afterwards, it distorts the idea a little. Radio is a bit like the problem, it formats. I don't want that anymore. I want to treat myself. I think that today radios are of lower quality compared to current music.   We have the impression of something very mystical in this album, in the writing, in this angel who falls on the cover, why is that? On this album, I wanted, in terms of storytelling, something closer to stories that are not necessarily mine, something more abstract. This album, we made it in an abbey, overlooking the cathedral of Coutances. During the creation of the album, two weird things happened. The first, I was in the shower at home and hearts appeared, they were as if absorbed by the VMC and then I saw them in my garden. I want to make it clear that I do not take drugs. (laughter). I saw it as a sign, I would say divine almost. We recorded a song called The Devil. On this song we heard voices without knowing where they came from. I would say that there is a soul in this album. The album is called L'Ascension because I feel morally and physically new, better. What does an artist mean to you? I would say he's someone who creates out of nothing. Everyone is a bit of an artist like that.

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