Actress Sara Forestier testifies to domestic violence on France Inter


With the reopening of cinemas this Monday, June 22, actress Sara Forestier begins the promotion of her new film: Girls of Joy. On this occasion, the actress spoke on an unexpected subject, namely the domestic violence of which she was a victim.  This is the shocking video of the moment. Invited to the microphone of France Inter, the actress twice caesarized spoke about a strong and personal subject. Indeed, the actress explained that she wanted to do Girls of Joy in part because the film was about domestic violence. Violence that Sara Forestier herself suffered in her personal life.

I was coming out of a relationship with a man who was violent. And I found that there were so many misunderstandings, even on the notion of control… Essential words in this post-#MeToo era. And all the more important words, since held by a public figure, can help to change things in the right direction.

We believe that a woman under the influence is prostrate, she is a victim, she is in love like that a little lost … And then she stays with the man, but sometimes that's not true! Sometimes we stay with a man also to have repair, in a fighting posture. 

In addition to the testimony, Sara Forestier did not hesitate to talk in detail about how she got out of this unhealthy situation.

When I was a teenager, I had a friend who was beaten up by her partner and I didn't know how to react […] And then when it happened to me, I started to have good reflexes. […] I went to the hospital to make findings of the lesions, which allowed me to have evidence to be able to file a complaint against this boy. 

Finally, the actress recalled that silence was the best weapon available to the executioners. She points to the prevailing omerta, reinforcing the grip of abusive spouses. It therefore makes an essential reminder. Something that everyone must keep in mind at all times:

It helps and saves people from talking. 

Filles de joie is out in cinemas today. The opportunity for us to finally discover new works in the cinema in this period of deconfinement. And also to reflect on the subject of violence against women, in view of the remarks made by Sara Forestier. 

Girls of Joy – trailer

Sara Forestier – Interview on France Inter

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