Drunk: The director of The Hunt starts from a "crazy" idea


The seventh art allows creatives from all over the world to tackle different original themes. In Drunk, director Thomas Vinterberg starts from a completely delusional premise. The film arrives in theaters Wednesday, October 14.  Haut et court is a production and distribution company that brilliantly manages its acquisitions. Their program for this fall is attractive. Gagarin, the first film by a duo of French directors , will be released next month. And Drunk, the new film from Danish director Thomas Vinterberg arrives on Wednesday. We follow in Drunk a group of friends who are teachers in a high school. At a party, they decide to test their skills by drinking alcohol during their working hours. Everything seems to be going well for a while and then things start to get out of hand. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YSvYbeHu738&ab_channel=HautetCourt The director of the award-winning film Festen has not lost his brilliance. He delivers through these first images several intense moments. Some sequences are funny, others festive. Mads Mikkelsen seems to be perfectly at ease in this role of a family man who gets lost in this crazy experience. When we know the filmography of the director we know that he will not be content to touch on the subject. It will not simply be an ode to alcohol. The actor and director know each other since they have worked together in the past. 

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