Dual Universe: Hrafnkell Oskarsson (Eve Online) will be there!


    Hrafnkell Oskarsson, the original designer of the Eve Online mmo, joins the troops of Novaquark to make Dual Universe a reference game.

    Novaquark, the Parisian studio behind Dual Universe, an mmo set in a continuous and persistent universe, under development, has made a nice move by recruiting Hrafnkell Oskarsson, one of the first designers of the EVE Online game.

    Hrafnkell Dual Universe Dual Universe: Hrafnkell Oskarsson (Eve Online) will be there!

    Oskarsson will work on Dual Universe, which aims to be an interplanetary sandbox where millions of people can create economic, political, city and empire systems. Novaquark wants to make players active creators of their video game, reversing the logic of the player passively having predefined content. Dual Universe is based on a new technology, serving as the basis for the game: the CSSC namely Continuous Single-Shard Cluster. This technology manages a universe where millions of people are likely to interact simultaneously, without any load. It is based on voxel, another new technology, which allows players to modify the entire world, down to the smallest detail. Together, CSSC and Voxel create a persistent reality that is constantly evolving.

    EVE Online is one of the most popular SF multiplayer games, famous for its gameplay and community of players.Oskarsson brings important experience and a contribution that could well be paramount to Dual Universe. He and Novaquark want to offer a different online gaming experience, with social interactions at its core.

    Dual Universe Screen 1 Dual Universe: Hrafnkell Oskarsson (Eve Online) will be there!

    Dual Universe is:

    • Millions of players capable of creating: all players will have an impact. Empires will be born and die.
    • A 100% editable environment: constantly evolving, subject to player actions and totally outside the usual scripts
    • Large-scale interactions: Players can rely on harvestable materials to achieve anything they want, no matter the size. Ships, entire cities… This universe will be animated by creation and interactions since there can be wars, small-scale dramas, betrayals…
    • A new life: a dream of all RPG players, idealists and sandbox enthusiasts, Dual Universe is an opportunity to reinvent a story.

    "Our MMO competitors tend to rely on simplified models to bring together a few hundred, sometimes a few thousand players in the same arena or instance, who are often neither persistent nor interconnected," explains founder and CEO Jean-Christophe Baillie. "Content is created by the company and players consume it. We plan to change that with our new proprietary technology, bringing millions of people simultaneously into the same virtual, continuous and persistent universe, where they are free to modify the world and create their own stories. »

    Dual Universe Screen 2 Dual Universe: Hrafnkell Oskarsson (Eve Online) will be there! Dual Universe Screen 3 Dual Universe: Hrafnkell Oskarsson (Eve Online) will be there!

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