Blizzard and Facebook: Live streaming of games is available!


    Blizzard Entertainment and Facebook are collaborating to enable players around the world to share their gaming experience directly on Facebook!

    Just use the Blizzard client and go to the top right corner. Once the client is updated, simply click on the broadcast button, check and give Blizzard the right to publish on your Facebook News Feed… then to you the live! For the complete details of the manipulations to be performed, here is a small explanatory spot:

    There is no doubt that WoW, Hearthstone and Overwatch players will have a blast sharing the content of their favorite games on their Facebook wall in one click without going through Twitch! Facebook thus confirms its desire to give more importance to video games but also to emancipate itself from Google (YouTube) and Amazon (Twitch) by opening the way to streaming via the game client.

    This feature is currently only available on PC, it should arrive later on Mac.

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