Black Desert Online: The Ranger's Awakening and Aquatic Update!


    Black Desert Online is known for its many updates, this time you shouldn't be disappointed. The awakening of the ranger has arrived, thanks to the gift of the goddess: The elven sword. This weapon will allow the ranger to spin like the wind, you will cut up your enemies and leap like a cat out of reach to deliver blows with surgical precision.

    The ranger is already a very mobile class, whether in hand-to-hand combat or ranged combat. The Elven sword will give him a definite advantage, with a new level of control over his enemies. The ranger will be able to throw himself into the fray to do a lot of damage, escape, and then return. A real game of cat and mouse!

    That's not all, an update is also coming, indeed, to prepare for the Margoria expansion (which will arrive this winter), the seas of Black Desert Online have been enriched in different ways. The seabed has been revised to add fauna, flora, and also shipwrecks, enough to make things more alive. A new ocean system has also been set up, to create realistic and voluminous waves. You can now take a dive and discover the seabed.

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