End of the Disney series / James Gunn?


    While Twitter was ablaze and fans were shouting at the director's return, it seems that James Gunn is no longer even an option for the realization of Guardians of the Galaxy 3. 

    The whole world wanted his return but Disney, the dream machine has decided: James Gunn will not be part of the Guardians of the Galaxy 3 project. An announcement that follows the multiple controversies concerning this case that began about 2 weeks ago. The house of ideas had indeed announced the dismissal of the director of the first two parts of the Guardians of the Galaxy following old tweets with dubious humor. Tweets somewhat vulgar but published by a young director who at the time did not account for his words. His mistakes are not forgivable but the actors of the film (Chris Pratt, Bradley Cooper or Zoe Saldana) published in the week a letter indirectly asking Disney to hire the director again but a priori it is the end of the director. At Variety, a person close to the case said that the pressure was not strong enough on Disney who wanted to preserve its image

    A dismissal that remains obscure and significant consequences. 

    Although his dismissal may come as a surprise, James Gunn seems to have understood that his Guardians of the Galaxy 3 project was buried. However, the consequences seem unclear. Old tweets put forward and that are not in agreement with the current words of the director… Many believe that this dismissal comes because of the strong political position of the director (visible on his Twitter ironically) and that it is his anti-Trump remarks that have harmed him. Disney did not seem to have total control over the director perhaps too free for the firm. Nothing is certain about these hypotheses but what is certain is that directors around the world are now on guard. Scott Derrickson, the director of Doctor Strange has notably withdrawn from the social network after pinning an old tweet from 2017 which reads: "Twitter is hell". 

    Capture d’écran 2018 08 03 à 21.31.20 End of the Disney series / James Gunn?


    Finally, whatever position one may have on the departure of James Gunn, it is obvious that it is a great loss for the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Talented director with deep desires, James Gunn had offered Marvel fans two quality films that will remain visual pearls. However, nothing is finished and perhaps Disney could reverse its decision, although this now seems irreversible. 

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