Review The Promised Neverland volume 20: an end worthy of the series?


After the unbearable suspense of volume 19, the authors of The Promised Neverland reserve us a nice surprise with this last volume. Will Emma succeed in having the future she so longed for? Will she be able to take all her companions into the human world? WARNING: THIS ARTICLE CONTAINS INFORMATION THAT MAY SPOIL YOU IF YOU HAVE NOT READ THE SERIES!  

Summary of Volume 19:

The last chapter of this volume ended well for Emma and her gang. All the children take refuge in Grace Field in order to save their siblings who are locked up by Peter Ratri. Isabella, having become a Grandmother, rebels against Peter with the sisters, which benefits Emma and the others. While everything seems to be going well, what does this last volume of The Promised Neverland have in store for us?

Peter Ratri: The Keeper of the Promise

After this twisted proposal from Peter: "Come and die with Daddy… children", Emma keeps her head straight and tries to negotiate without violence or revenge. peter ratri Review The Promised Neverland volume 20: an end worthy of the series? A flashback depicts the moment when Peter denounces his brother James following the discovery of the promise: this promise was made by Julius who sacrificed his companions to stop the war. Peter refuses to cooperate with the children and chooses a rather unexpected option: suicide.

Long live Queen Mujika!

Leuvis makes an announcement to the demon people informing them that all farms will be destroyed. Locals are worried about not knowing how they will survive without human meat. And yet, there is a solution to this problem: cursed blood. For a long time the demons lived thinking, because of the queen, that the blood Mujika carries was cursed. Yet it is the opposite, a miracle cure that makes them keep the "human" appearance without consuming human flesh. Leuvis, belonging to the old system, cannot continue to be king of demons, he categorically refuses it. Instead, he offers Mujika the opportunity to become queen. She is above all, their savior, the one who prevented the extermination of demons with her blood. After this moving sequence, the rest is all the more so with the reunion between Emma and Phil.

The Promise

After a damning passage with the death of their Mother, Emma decides to move forward and continue her journey towards a new future. Emma and her classmates head to the basement of Grace Field. A question bothers Phil: what did Emma ask for in exchange for this new promise? Emma replies that the promise did not require any sacrifice. However, when the human world arrived, Emma became nowhere to be found. promesse Review The Promised Neverland volume 20: an end worthy of the series? The promise was to remove Emma from her family. All of them have been to the human world, including Emma. The only downside is that his memory has been taken away. She doesn't remember her brothers or her way of being before she left. Emma will be hosted by a survivor, in an abandoned place, fuzzy memories cross her mind without answers. Meanwhile, Norman, Ray and the others don't lose hope. They will search for more than two years for a trace of Emma. When they find her, Emma is confused, not knowing who these people standing in front of her are. But even without memories, she knows that she is important in the eyes of her brothers. All together decide to live happily in this new world. It is a last volume that remains faithful to the whole story, with a good dose of diverse and varied emotions. The Promised Neverland is a very captivating series. The suspense has always been present, which made our readers want to continue the adventure. If you feel like it, you can continue reading with the one shot of Death Note

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