Big Mouth is making a comeback on Netflix. Season 2 of the animated series aired in its entirety on Friday, October 5. For 10 episodes, puberty will continue to bother our teenage friends.
While Jessi runs away with Jay, Nick sees his first pubic hair grow after saving Adrew from the Porn-ivers. Season 1 ends leaving the viewer waiting for the new adventures. In season 2, Nick Kroll and Andrew Goldberg, the directors of Big Mouth meet the expectations of fans of the series by exploring even more the teenage universe. Drugs, sexual explorations, shame and depression paint a realistic picture of teenage life.
More feelings, more monsters
The second season of the series introduces new characters. When you're a teenager, you need to feel "like everyone else." If something doesn't fit the norm, you wonder if you're normal. At this age, it is difficult to be accepted and it is imperative to fit into the mold. In these moments appears the Sorcerer of Shame. It pushes teens to regrettable actions. An unsympathetic character but just as endowed with feelings, his goal is to make the protagonists better people. Fighting shame has never been easy, but Big Mouth tries a humorous and human approach. The series reassures and comforts those who identify with these moments.
Beyond shame, other feelings are explored. Invincibility, sadness, depression… It is difficult to represent the latter without a certain back ground. Depression never comes alone. It is the culmination of a whole process. Big Mouth manages to convey this feeling of loneliness and abandonment brilliantly. The personification of depression in a new monster is very realistic. Without spoiling the sequel, we let you discover the characters by yourself.
Addressing sensitive topics
No disappointment in the "lesson" episodes of the season. In season 1, Big Mouth warned against "pushing" relationships or overdosing on pornography. This time the series explains in detail the role of family planning in dismantling prejudices. With humour, she addresses the theme of contraceptives and "Fake News" on STDs. For the first time, we are touching on the theme of drugs. Our heroes discover illicit substances. Their use makes us think: how to consume them? Under what circumstances? With whom? Solutions are always provided with a second degree.
Great novelty in this season, we approach without embarrassment the physical change of the girls. Until then, the series has focused a lot on the physical evolutions of boys (hair, size …). Now it's the girls' turn to go there. The appearance of breasts, a subject that at this age can complex more than one, is treated in a very relevant way. Several points of view collide: the perverse reaction of the boys, the jealousy of some girls, how the girl in question reacts… The filmmakers have put together a full range of reactions to this kind of situation. The characters manage to get out of awkward situations and put an end to them.
Season 2 is a success for Big Mouth. The series reminds adults of all the awkward moments they experienced not so long ago. Important and delicate subjects are treated in a relevant way without falling into clichés. Nick Kroll and Andrew Goldberg play with our own memories and teenage past. With a dose of second degree the most terrible problems of the little characters become relative. The third season is eagerly awaited.