Get a better return on investment with your website today


Entrepreneurs and business owners are familiar with the term ROI. However, when it comes to their business site, they don't have enough information about the return on investment (Return On Investement).

The enormous amount of information in the digital world can fool even the most perceptive. There seem to be a lot of different online marketing strategies and it can be difficult to choose the ideal technique and how to take advantage of it.

The pace at which technology is advancing is incredible. Especially in recent decades, it's gone crazy. Digital innovation is everywhere and there are so many that we can barely keep up with the changes in our home. No one seems to be watching TV or playing board games. At home, we only hear about Netflix, Xbox and countless names of applications with so many different uses that we get lost just thinking about them.

It can become even more unpleasant when we look at our screens and enter the business world. A lot has changed since the departure of the internet to today and even though many aspects of the digital world have become more understandable to the average business person, there are an incredible number of new marketing opportunities in the market that can make them confusing. The good thing is that at the end of the day, to be successful online, your business needs to focus on a few small details that will make a difference in the long run.


Take advantage of the tools available

There are a variety of tools for creating a website. So it is no longer necessary to pay $20,000 or more for a business website. All you need is the right tools and the right person and it could just be yourself.

site123Among all the geek tools on the internet, one of the favorites are website builders. They are very easy to use and in a few minutes, anyone can create a web page. Among the possibilities available on the market, the is a wonderful free site builder with lots of very interesting features. The only cost involved is for hosting, domain names, and other features such as custom email addresses. The price ranges from around $9.8 to $21.8 depending on your business needs.

Use SITE123's free website builder to reduce your costs and make your return on investment easier. Combine with other strategies for a more effective ROI.


Provide excellent customer service

There are two things that are extremely fundamental to all businesses: sales and customer service. The first guarantees your cash flow and the second ensures that customers will come back more and more. It's no different with a website. Customer service needs to be excellent for retaining customers and ensuring they will come back when they need your services or products.

Normally, customer service is offered on-site, by phone, email or mail. But now the digital world offers us new possibilities. Using live chat plugins, your customers will be able to contact you in real time through the small live chat window. They just have to click and they can talk with you. To add a dialog plugin to your website to the, click on "SETTINGS" and "PLUGINS", on the menu to the left of the website builder.


Capture and provision leads

One of the best strategic tools in traditional business is lead capture and sourcing. This can also be adapted to the digital world. There are many ways to generate leads online. The most common are subscription fields. They are everywhere and seem to work very well. A recent Forbes article mentions that if you have a lead subscription, capture, and Get-More-Leads-Now1sourcing service, you can get a 20% sales raise. It can bring you a nice return on investment over time.

Take advantage by adding a subscription field to your website. On the SITE123 website builder, you only have to click on the "FOOTER LAYOUT" option under "DESIGN" and insert a subscription field to your website.


Send newsletters

Among the possibilities you have to nurture your leads and convert them into customers, there is one that has been underutilized but is regaining ground: newsletters.

A few years ago, subscribing to the newsletter of most websites was like buying a ticket to hell. It was so annoying, they filled your inbox with a whole bunch of products, services, fake promotions and the like. And it doesn't stop there.

All of a sudden, emails from all over the world with links to all sorts of sites are coming: your email address had been sold somewhere on a package along with thousands of other email addresses.

Newsletter and Computer mouse with white background

Thanks to the common sense of some professionals, newsletters have become secure and interesting again because websites now seem to send only relevant content and not just try to sell you anything and everything. Customers love it.

A recent article from Business Insider states that 60% of CEOs read newsletters.

Your business can jump on the bandwagon and use this powerful tool to inform your leads about your business and industry.

It's the information age now and you can also send interesting news related to your business or industry. Your customers can like the content and connect with your business, making it easier to build loyalty.

On the SITE123 control panel, there is an option to manage an email list with your leads and send them newsletters.


Keep an eye out for new online marketing strategies

Above, we have outlined some of the most important online marketing strategies. Every day, a lot of powerful new tools come into play and some of them could allow your business to take a big step forward. It's about staying up to date.

Fortunately, there are many places where you can find help, such as forums and blogs with valuable content to inform you and teach you the latest trends in online marketing. Also, don't forget to sign up for newsletters that could bring you interesting information. By using smart and simple tools and informing yourself about new opportunities to introduce to your marketing plan  , it is almost guaranteed that you will have great success with your website.