Enter the world of Rose & Crow


Immersing the reader in a world where nature faces the attack of machines, Rose & Crow offers a children's book with very contemporary themes. Follow the guide so you don't get lost in this world at war.

An orphan in an endangered forest

The Human Danger of Rose & Crow Published by Delcourt, Rose & Crow is an initiatory tale about a young girl discovering her true origins. In a huge forest, a troop of modern soldiers, the mansklings, threaten this ecological paradise. Higher up, a floating city attacks colorful elves. However, by turning the page, we pass without transition to the exit of a high school in our modern world. In the middle of her friends, Rose finds Tomas, her possible crush. Then they go home together and schedule an outing. However, this mundane scene is disturbed by crows in a park and then all around the front of the house that Rose shares with her grandfather. It is when the high school student enters her room that the reader understands that she is a magician. She is also a teenage orphan who can no longer stand her grandfather's rules. For example, he forbids him to pronounce the word magic. This is just the beginning of the surprises because, while chatting with a crow… finally, the Crow Knight who transforms into a raven, Rose discovers that everything she thought she knew about her past is a lie. To discover the truth, she follows him to Udover beyond the sky. The screenwriter Amélie Sarn proposes a comic for the youngest about Tolkien creatures in a story by Miyazaki – who is also quoted in a dialogue.

A comic strip in a modernized tale

A paradise in danger in Rose & Crow By a young girl discovering another life, Rose & Crow is a series made for children who dream of getting out of the routine. This escape is allowed by the superb edition from the cover showing a very beautiful golden entourage. Cartoonist and colorist Lise Garçon gently illustrates this story. A stunning image opens the inside cover. We find this talent in the beautiful full pages telling the origins of the war. Taking up the style of stained glass windows by thick inking and drawings without relief, the charmed adult reader thinks of Mucha. Garçon is fully in the renewal of the youth narrative by a digital style all in roundness and bright colors. The designer knows how to highlight the resumption of the codes of tales proposed by Amélie Sarn. Like Cinderella, Rose is an orphan raised by a grandparent who hides her origins. This banal girl is revealed to have a unique gift that can save a group from a villain hungry for destruction. As in a Disney movie, Rose finds a mascot, in this case a small red dragon Gruït. An ecological fable planned in several volumes, Rose & Crow describes the struggle between technology and nature. But, this perilous situation can be solved by a young girl discovering her origins and gifts. If the subject may sometimes seem naïve and lacking originality for an adult, there can be no doubt that the gentle drawings will appeal to the youngest. In addition, the end of the first volume showing a danger on Earth portends a surprising sequel. You can find on the site other children's titles such as the books of Katie O'Neil and Pilu des Bois.