"It annoys me": Helmut Fritz's surprise (and hilarious) comeback


Someone asked for a return of Helmut Fritz and his 2009 hit Does it annoy me ? Not? No problem, he still comes back with a parody of his song, for our greatest pleasure in this period of confinement.  This is probably the most unexpected and funny comeback in a long time. Eleven years after the phenomenal success of Ça m'énerve, the artist reveals a special confinement parody.

"I dream of the Cos and a drink, but all of Paris is deserted. They're all at home, I look like an too.It me off… Yes, it annoys me."

Simple and funny lyrics, a clip shot with the means of the edge … Enough to cheer us up with music! It should also be noted that the clip begins with a welcome tribute to the nursing staff:

"To all medical personnel, to those who risk their lives every day to save others, Respect, Love and Gratitude!"

Breaking masks and hydroalcoholic gel, madness in shops, difficulties of confinement with children… All the clichés pass there, sprinkled with countless references to the original version. This surprise return of Ça m'énerve is therefore a good way to boost the morale of the confined, because we need to escape in this historic period. Discover without further delay this new version (and keep the music in mind for three hours mouahahaha). 

Helmut Fritz – Itannoys me 2020 :
