March 32: starting point of a new committed album


At the Nuit Debout in Paris, we meet both the old trade unionist experienced in the methods of daily militancy, and young students who arrived by chance on the Place de la République. But we can also meet the representatives of the French reggae scene. This is how Naâman had played there on May 11. Four days later, it was Danakil who shared his music for a concert. Danakil and militant commitment is an association that has always existed. Balik, the singer of the group, already said in 2010: "In essence, reggae is a committed music".

The social movement of spring 2016 inspired a new song in Danakil: "March 32". Balik once again gives us committed words about what revolts him. Very simple and yet full of meaning, the lyrics of " March 32" denounce the excesses of the consumerist society while recalling that the long moments spent exchanging on the Place de la République are not in vain.

Their future album "La rue raisonne" will be released on October 7, 2016, and will hopefully be as qualitative as "March 32".

The title is free to download. All profits that will be derived from the exploitation of the title will be donated to CADECOL, a collective self-defense fund. 

Danakil will be in concert in several cities of France in 2016:- September 9, 2016: Fête de l'Humanité (La Courneuve)- October 13, 2016: Le Scarabée (Chambéry)- October 14, 2016: Vernier sur Rock (Geneva)- October 15, 2016: Le Theatro (Montargis)- October 20, 2016: Lino Ventura Theater (Nice)- October 22, 2016: Théâtre du Rhône (Valence)– October 28, 2016:

 La Coopérative de Mai (Clermond-Ferrand)- October 29, 2016: Reggae Night (Lorient)- November 4, 2016: L'Agora (Equeurdreville)- November 5, 2016: L'Avion (Lille)- November 10, 2016: Le Cargö (Caen)- November 11, 2016: Bebop Festival (Le Mans)- November 12, 2016: Metropop Festival (Lausanne)- November 18, 2016: Zénith (Rouen)

– November 19, 2016: Parc Expo (Colmar)- November 25, 2016: Le Transbordeur (Lyon)- November 26, 2016: La Commanderie (Dole)- December 2, 2016: La Nef ( Angoulême)- December 3, 2016: Le Rocher de Palmer (Cenon)- December 4, 2016: Le Bikini (Toulouse)- December 9, 2016: Le Trianon (Paris)- December 10, 2016: Le Trianon (Paris)