"Nicky Laaarson, Nicky Laaarson, a shadow arises in the night" … A cartoon that rocked the mornings of thousands of French teenagers, first in front of the Club Dorothée for the oldest, then on NT1 for those who have just turned twenty. A lustful detective, obsessed with young women and corrected by his teammate with a mallet in cartoon humor. But also a fine trigger, accompanied by his famous Colt Python .357 Magnum, which became serious when the situation required it, with a precision that blew away the spectators.
Obviously, Phillipe Lacheau felt this way more than anyone, since he announced that he would make a film adaptation of Nicky Larson, which would be released on February 6, 2019.
An announcement that scares fans: but why?
There is reason to be interested in this announcement. In the first place, if you like Nicky Larson, you are either eager to see him, or very scared, knowing the feedback that has been made on adaptations before. Indeed, the prospect of seeing this series as demolished by its live version as Dragon Ball was by Dragon Ball Evolution is perplexing. Some spectators did not fail to express their reservations. Here is a small anthology of reactions, taken on Allociné and 9th Art.fr:
"I hope it's a joke, it's going to turn the manga into a completely stupid mainstream comedy like we've been France for 10 years.
On top of that he doesn't know how to play this guy it looks like he's reciting his text in every scene.
That he continues to create comedies for beaufs, he will make figures and make them very happy, but that he leaves the masterpiece that is city hunter alone… ""Nicky Larson?and he wants to respect the manga? well, inquire guy, and it's called City Hunter… In short, do Babysitting 3, 4 or 12 and don't touch that… "
"I'm going to get the definition of aneurysm in a medical Larousse, I think I made one by reading this news… "
"Given the humorous poverty of the films produced by his team, I pass my turn."
In response to this, the director lamented the fact that he was not given the chance to direct his film before demolishing it. In addition, he recalled his quality as a fan of the cartoon, and his desire to please as many people as possible, his desire to remain faithful to the original work and demonstrated his motivation by announcing a significant physical transformation in order to resemble as closely as possible the main character, whose role he will play. It only remains to believe in the possibility of creating a film that will keep these promises and that will prove the above comments wrong.
Nicky Larson is released on February 6, 2019, and is scheduled to shoot next year.
Nicky Larson's credits: