Screen Shoot: Saints Row 2: When Nawak Becomes a Trademark


New column that focuses on screenshots. Quite banal you will tell me. Any site focused on video games is able to swing fifty screens that can even be provided by the publisher. Here, the goal is to focus on quality, so we will present 5 of them. And, while we're at it, they might as well be useful. Each installment of our new Screen Shoot column will focus on a specific theme of a distinct video game. The goal can be to make you laugh, or simply to discover via five screens a game not necessarily known. We start with the purest delirium with Saints Row 2, an interesting alternative to the GTA series that manages to mark by its totally crazy atmosphere. The proof in a few images in Screen Shoot

1: When glamour dazzles us around every corner

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This one is collector, because I met abused NPCs, but ones like that, it's really magical. Already, the unlikely hairstyle is an obvious sign of good taste, but the fact that the characters have the same face but with different morphologies and skin colors adds greatly to the nawak of the image. If you had any doubt, the caricature of a truck driver in the center is my character, proof that the character editor has nothing to envy to NPCs!

2: When the translator completely takes the menu

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Get the game out? yes that's a good idea. You have to release the game every day otherwise it gets depressed. 

3: When Ikea sells special desks

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It is a great classic in games, to be able to improve furniture, acquire apartments, ect. So there at the beginning, we have cardboard boxes, yeah, in a squat it's normal. Then we have an office to do serious, with a nice pc windows 95, the class what. And then, final upgrade: a stripper bar (with the girl provided with it). It's going to be hard to write stuff in word…

4: When Terminator changed its look

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What's cool about the characters created is that if they have a quirky look, it can generate a pretty special atmosphere when they strike a badasse pose.

5: When cosmetic surgery flirts with voodoo magic

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Yes, it's the same person. And again, I could have changed sex, become anorexic, be bearded… Common things in a cosmetic surgery hospital in short!

That's it for Saints Row 2. Next time, we focus on another concept. It could well be that we go for a little tour on the side of an indie simulation. See you next time on Screen Shoot.