The MaMA Festival & Convention experience, 2021 edition


After the 2020 edition cancelled due to covid, the MaMA Festival & convention was able this year to take place without a hitch, to the delight of artists and the public. The MaMA is one hundred and fifty conferences and eighty concerts taking place over three days in a single district: Pigalle Montmartre.

Back with an outstanding program, from electro to pop through rap and hip hop, with already known artists like Sopico, Moji x Sboy and very promising artists like Jo Raharison or Zinée who make us travel through different musical universes.

On Thursday, October 14, the second day of the festival, I was able to attend five different concerts: Bianca Costa, Marina Satti, Jo Raharison, James Bks and Zinée.

My evening starts at La Cigale with Bianca Costa. Born in Brazil, her texts are in Portuguese and French. Bianca Costa has already released her first album: "Florianópolis" released on September 18, 2020. She has already collaborated with the artist Sneazzy on the latter's album entitled 38°, on the title Blocka. Bianca Costa has performed several of these pieces such as Historia, Shoota or Everywhere and Nowhere.

Then with Marina Satti, Greek artist who interprets us her famous title Pali, a one-way ticket to Greece.

My experience at MaMA continues at Les Trois Baudets with Jo Raharison, French producer, composer and performer of Malagasy origin who made an incredible performance and took us into his extraordinary universe close to that of The Weekend, Bruno Mars, or Pharell, this young artist has his stone to add to the great edifice of Rnb. An artist to follow and support urgently and clearly my MaMA favorite.

Back at La Cigale, my journey through unique musical universes continues with James Bks, Franco-Cameroonian producer, and his title Kwele which takes us directly to Africa.

James BKS Mama Festival

My evening ends with the showcase of Zinée, at Les Trois Baudets, heading south of the France with this rapper from Toulouse who transports us into her dark universe, sometimes soft sometimes aggressive, between drill and trap with different songs like Personne, Minitel, Zinée club, Even not bad, or Child king. His project Cobalt was released on July 23, 2021.

Zinee Mama

My second and last evening at MaMA on Friday, October 15 ends with the performances of the group Ojos at backstage by the mill, then Roxaane at the Boule Noire and finally Alvin Chris.

Ojos Mama Festival

Ojos, a complementary duo that produces Franco-Hispanic music between pop and urban music, transports us into a dimension between soft music sung in Spanish and a rhythmic part in French, especially with the title Coràzon sin cara.

We then find Roxaane, who, through her pieces, describes her heartaches and anxieties, texts with which we can identify. Roxaane's universe is often described as a mix between Columbine and Christine & the Queens, artists who have enjoyed enormous success, so we can predict that Roxaane has a bright future ahead of her.

To conclude, this last evening of the festival with the performance of Alvin Chris, who came from Amiens to present his pen. A huge crush for the song Baskets blanches, with a catchy instrumental and a worked text from his experience.

Concerts but not only…

The Mama is also conventions for the professional pole on various themes: artist & publishing, recorded music, performing arts, cultural and institutional policy, societal issues, media. I was able to attend the conferences: Innovating in culture: focus on three schemes dedicated to cultural and creative industries, presented by the Caisse des dépôts et consignations with Ludovica Marsili and Manon Ayala, "culture, heritage and digital" project managers, and Maud Franca, deputy director of the Investments for the Future Programs mission.

This conference aimed to present the four new mechanisms of the PIA 4 Culture with the presentation of the first four devices of the strategy to accelerate the cultural and creative industries. A second conference entitled Les bons benchmarks du statut fiscal et social des revenus des artistes presented by Christine raffray from GMBA séléco. This conference sheds light on the methods of taxation and social security coverage concerning artists. The last conference focused on Music and Immersive Audio: Democratization in Sight?, with a presentation of new technologies for immersive audio and recording music in this format.

A process that tends to evolve and is destined to become the norm in the next five years according to the various stakeholders: Alexandra Nadeau, Antoine Petroff, Damien Quintard and Vincent Guillaume.

Showcases, to discover the artists who will perform in the evening, take place in order to be able to exchange upstream with them. Professional aperitifs are also held so that all actors in the cultural and creative industries can discuss tomorrow's innovations or new projects.

The Mama festival & convention is the marathon of musical and professional discoveries, places of meetings, sharing and exchange, so that all the actors of the cultural and creative industries can bring us together again after this complicated period. If you have not had the opportunity to go this year I advise you to reserve your tickets for the next edition! In the meantime, all the conferences are accessible in replay podcast version and the playlist gathering all the artists who were present at Mama is available to discover for yourself these rising stars of music, even if nothing can replace the MaMA experience in real life.

Find all the conferences of the MaMA festival & convention in replay.

The playlist of the MaMA Festival & Convention 2021 edition, to travel through music and live or relive the MaMA experience.

Photos taken by Astrid Chedoz Article written by Astrid Chedoz