New year, new resolutions and new challenges! Stars of social networks, the monthly challenges will challenge you to shake up your habits. Discover the Dry January, the Veganuary and the Januhairy, these three challenges that will punctuate the month of January.
After the excess of the holiday season, many people want to regain some balance. Between champagne, foie gras and frozen log, it is true that there is enough to border on indigestion. So, if you want to take a break, let's go for 31 days without alcohol, meat and… without razor!
Dry January
It is the best known. For a month, say no to alcohol. Taking stock of your consumption, moping up the excess of the holidays, challenging yourself or out of simple curiosity, there are many arguments that will lead you to follow DryJanuary. Coming straight from across the Channel, Dry January is followed every year by millions of people around the world. The goal? Do not drink a single drop of alcohol during the entire month of January. So, is this a simple fad or is there a real interest? This challenge is beneficial for your health. Even if depriving yourself of your weekend glass of wine may seem insurmountable, you will quickly notice the positive effects of quitting alcohol on your body. Improved sleep and skin quality, more energy, weight loss, money saving… The benefits are numerous. To go further, Claire Touzard talks in her book Sans Alcool about the too important place that drinking had in her life and how alcohol was harmful to her. Enough to take stock of his relationship with alcohol after celebrating the new year.
No, this challenge will not encourage you to eat less sugar or more vegetables but if you want to reconnect with nature and your body, this challenge falls… hair. The goal? Do not wax for a month to advocate self-acceptance and put an end to the dictates of beauty. Thanks to the #januhairy and Instagram account of the same name, thousands of women proudly expose their hair. Thus, they can express themselves freely on the relationship she has with her body. Beyond the simple fact of stopping waxing, the movement encourages each woman to reclaim her body regardless of the injunctions of society. Laura Jackson, the instigator of January, describes the movement as simply "being kind to yourself".
No meat, milk or egg on the menu this month, that's what Veganuary advocates. In recent years, more and more people have been moving towards this lifestyle. If food practices are close to veganism, veganism is opposed to all forms of animal products such as leather, fur, cosmetics or drugs tested on animals. But why turn to veganism ? First of all, we cannot talk about veganism without mentioning the animal condition. Animal welfare is at the heart of vegan thinking. Therefore, no more slaughterhouses and intensive farming, vegans are campaigning for respect for animal life. Stopping eating meat is also good for the environment. Indeed, millions of liters of water are needed for livestock farming and this agriculture produces several tons of CO² each year. Thus, producing plant foods is much less polluting than producing meat. Even if this change may seem difficult to you, you can find on the Veganuary website all their advice to meet the challenge brilliantly. On JustFocus, we invite you to try delicious vegan pancakes. So many reasons to try the vegan diet, even for a few days. Even if each of these challenges aims to make things happen and initiate dialogue on the causes they defend, everyone is free to follow them… or not. Dry January, Veganuary or Januhairy… What challenge will you be tempted by this month?